It's been a while since I've written for my blog. A while back I wrote about double strokes. Here are a few more basic uses of double strokes within Tumbao.
If you have any rhythms you would like to share, please email me - I'll post your rhythm/s and a credit (your email address, web address, etc). We'd also like to share more links, if you would to exchange let us know. If you have any comments - let us know. email us.
Conga Rudiment - Double Stroke Tones & Slaps
Doubles played with Tones
| 1 | + | 2 | + | 3 | + | 4 | + | | T | T | T | T | T | T | T | T | | R | R | L | L | R | R | L | L |
Played with Slaps
Play with slaps is a lot more advanced. Until you're really comfortable and relaxed with the tones it is best to wait on the slaps. My first instructor had me wait close to a year before I started to work on my slaps. It is essential is to be as relaxed as possible when working slaps. Practicing with too much tension can result in issues with the tendons, joints, muscles, etc... Relax :-)
(A number of months ago I submitted a post to the "latinperc" group at yahoogroups. It goes a bit more in depth regarding how the slap is played. You can read it on Chuck Silverman's website. I was quite suprised to have him like it and post it on his website. Thanks Chuck!)
| 1 | + | 2 | + | 3 | + | 4 | + | | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | | R | R | L | L | R | R | L | L |
Double Tones Played within Mambo / Tumbao
Now that we've reviewed doubles we'll incorporate them with the Mambo. Practicing rudiments is one thing. Skillfully applying rudiments is an entirely different thing. This will get you started at a very basic level with application of rudiments.
Note: This rhythm shifts in to double time during the last half of the second measure. I did my best to demonstrate the rhythm in a notation that shows the distances and length of sounds (ie. double time would have a note that's half the length). Someday I'll have to get a musical notation software. I'll look in to it, if you have a suggestion, email me.
| 1 | + | 2 | + | 3 | + | 4 | + | 1 | + | 2 | + |3|e|+|a|4|e|+|a| | B | F | S | F | B | F | T | T | B | F | S | F |T|T|T|T|T|T|T|T| | R | R | L | L | R | R | L | L | R | R | L | L |R|R|L|L|R|R|L|L|
Key T = Flam Tone, Flam Open T = Tone, Open B = Bass, Bass Tone F = Finger, Toe S = Slap
X = Clave/Bell Strike
B = Both Hands, Flam Stroke R = Right Hand Stroke, Primary/Strong Hand Stroke L = Left Hand Stroke, Weak Hand Stroke
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